
To thrive meaning
To thrive meaning

to thrive meaning

Overalls the word thrive (ˈθraɪv) means to prosper or flourish. This list of antonyms is also provided by Power Thesaurus. These are called antonyms, which are another great way to expand your knowledge of the English language. There are also numerous different words that have the opposite meaning of thrive. This list of synonyms of thrive is provided by Power Thesaurus. Learning synonyms is a great way to expand your vocabulary and avoid repeating yourself. These are called, which are words that have the same definition as another given word or phrase. There are many different words in the English language that a person could choose to use in place of the word thrive. What are synonyms and antonyms of thrive? His car washing business was thriving until they were hit by Hurricane Sandy and everyone had to retreat to their abode. The farmer had good management of property and transformed the meat farm into a tourist attraction so that the cows could live. The young cattle thrived in the rich pastures of good soil, sunlight and grass. There were still numerous shells scattered around the forest. The deer population were thriving after the banning of different rifles from the county, which was of great historical significance. The tree seldom produces fruit in the best conditions. The kelp, peach trees, strawberries, tree-ferns and other different species of plant would not survive in that climate with such sandy soil. Surprisingly, the thriving ecosystem at the certain latitude had dry conditions which took good care of the remaining dunes. It hit a wide range of people and no one could get a grasp on the steady progress it made throughout the meetings. The influenza virus was able to thrive and spread quickly from person to person at the tourism conference in the northern parts of Spain. Her first day was a high point in her life absolute perfection. She no longer had to deal with bullying, and could focus on academics and friendship. The new student thrived after transferring schools. Below are several examples of the word thrive to get you started. Try using this word of the day in a sentence today. You could also try making flashcards or quizzes to test your knowledge. Using words in a sentence is a great way to add their meanings to your vocabulary. The word thrive can be used in many different ways in the English language. Another word of similar origin is thrift. Sometimes, you might see the past tense throve (thrōv.) or thriven (ˈθrɪv ən). One can add the suffixes ed and ing to thrive to make the related words thrived (vb.) and thriving (vb./adj.). This is probably reflexive of þrifa or reflexive of thrífa and is comparable to the Norwegian triva, Swedish trifvas, and Danish trives, from the root vi. It is from a Scandinavian source, like the Old Norse þrifask.

to thrive meaning

According to Etymonline, this word has been used since the 13th century. You can also find many different translations in things like a Spanish dictionary, German dictionary, Italian dictionary 1st edition, English-Spanish medical dictionary, French electronic resource and more! See if you can figure out the translations of the following: расцветать prosperovať uspevati imati, prospera набираться сил, tierra del fuego, compound ascidiae, 兴旺, prosperar kosuma, tarpti augt, dafna prosperare, tampak sehat, ευδοκιμώ crecer mucho, blomstre dobrze się rozwijać desenvolver, zelt berkembang maju gedijen, crecer muy bien, gli fa bene, napredovati növekszik makin kuat, crescere 栄える 무럭무럭 자라다 klestėti, gedy ينْجَح, bien profiter, chiloe, يَزْدَهِر процъфтявам desenvolver-se prospívat gedeihen, rasti, corallines, plaukt, crustacea, αναπτύσσομαι, ˈθrəʊv, fucus, thrĭv, frodas, prospérer, trivas, blomstra, ottimo, utvecklas.

  • Portuguese: prosperar‎, desenvolver-se‎.
  • Czech: prospívat‎ (impf), prosperovat‎ (impf).
  • to thrive meaning

    These are formed when two words have the same root or language of origin.

    to thrive meaning

    Cognates are when two words in different languages look and sound similar to each other and also have a similar meaning. You may notice that in this list of translations of thrive from Word Sense, many of these words look and sound similar to one another. Many different languages also contain words that mean thrive (thrīv). If someone is thriving, they are doing very well. According to Collins English Dictionary, the word Thrive is a verb that means to prosper or flourish.

    To thrive meaning